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Infrared Barrel Saunas

Each barrel sauna in our collection is the perfect place to relieve stress and achieve tranquility. Knowing all the benefits of a sauna will help you choose the best sauna that suits your needs. Our infrared barrel saunas for sale are designed to bring you convenience and luxury. Trust the quality of our sauna and enjoy all its benefits inside and out.

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Convenience and Ease of Use of Infrared Barrel Saunas for Sale

Visiting a sauna benefits the human body, but not everyone can withstand the heat in such steam rooms. An infrared sauna session is an alternative to warming up procedures in a traditional sauna. You should definitely buy infrared sauna barrel to feel all the benefits.

Why Are Infrared Saunas Needed?

During a visit to the infrared barrel sauna, the level of sweating increases, during which 95% of water and only 5% of toxins are released from the body. Spending the same time in an infrared sauna, a person loses up to 20% of harmful substances. This is explained by the fact that this radiation does not increase the temperature inside during the warming-up process. It stays at approximately +38-45 degrees. As a result, the load on the heart remains moderate, sweating remains intense, and the body warms up deeply and evenly from the inside. The lack of heating of the air helps remove toxins, cleanse the body, and maintain stable operation of all its systems.

The heat waves emitted by the heaters gently affect internal organs, tissues, joints, muscles, and skeletal systems. Doctors recommend spending no more than 20-30 minutes a day in an infrared sauna, and if you have pathologies of the heart or brain - 5-10 minutes. This amount of time inside the cabin will allow:

  • accelerate the filling of muscles and organs with oxygen;

  • increase immunity;

  • remove waste and toxins from the body;

  • cleanse pores and improve skin condition;

  • prevent the development of many diseases;

  • effectively combat fatigue, muscle tension, and headaches.

Why Is an Infrared Barrel Sauna Attractive?

Infrared heat therapy has been used for quite a long time, but its popularity has increased. This is due to the huge number of benefits that infrared barrel saunas for sale provide. They appeared in the domestic market relatively recently but have already taken a leading position.

The main advantages of IR booths are:

  • Fast warm-up. Ordinary saunas heat up well on average in 2 hours. IR heater only need 10 minutes to warm up the cabin thoroughly. As a result, both procedures take only 20-40 minutes.

  • Compactness. This advantage was appreciated by apartment owners. Small one-person infrared saunas are on sale that can fit into the space of a regular bathroom. The installation process takes a minimum of time since the cabin is connected to the central power grid.

  • Versatility. Because bath procedures in such a cabin do not stress the heart and internal organs, they are suitable for elderly people and children.

  • Variety of shapes and materials. This advantage allows the cabins to fit into spaces of any size and design.

  • Safety. The peculiarity of infrared barrel sauna is that during operation, the heaters emit heat waves with a length of 7-14 microns. They penetrate the body to a depth of only 4 cm, gently affecting the skin, joints, soft tissues, and other organs.

The main advantage of such bath procedures is effective cleansing of the body.

Possibility to Buy Infrared Sauna Barrel of Different Forms

The standard shape of infrared barrel saunas for sale is round. Hence the name, but some manufacturers offer their variations. The most popular forms are:

  • a round barrel sauna is the standard and most common option. It looks original, requires a small area for installation, and warms up quickly;

  • an oval (elliptical) barrel sauna does not take up much more space on the site, but at the same time, the internal usable space increases significantly, and the steam room warms up almost as quickly as in a round barrel;

  • a square, or more precisely a semi-circular-semi-square barrel sauna in cross-section looks like a square with rounded corners. It has the largest usable area among other buildings; here, you can comfortably place more benches, tables, shelves, etc. The infrared barrel sauna warms up relatively quickly. Such a sauna will look great on the site.